Hudson, Jack and Molly the morning of the parade eating cereal in bed

Jack and sweet cousin Molly

Grammy and Grandpap came from Texas to help celebrate the 4th

Uncle Bryan, Auntie Jenny and new baby cousin Dot

Cousins Nate, Molly, Hudson and Hogan

Uncle Bryan and Auntie Jenny's new house in town

Brent, Jack, Joe and I gearing up for the parade

The Robbins Boys!

Me and my sweet niece Molly

Me and my BFF/sister Jenny

Franklin Street - beginnings of the parade

Patriotic Molly

New baby cousin Elijah

Bryan and Jenny's dining room in their new house

Bryan and Jenny's kitchen (Jenny's mom and Dawn Lee in the kitchen)

Bryan and Jenny's kitchen Part 2

Hallway/Front Door at Bryan and Jenny's new house

All the Robbins Grandkids (l to r: Nate, Hudson, Hogan, Jack, Joe, Molly, baby Dot and cousin Elijah)

Grandkids and Grandparents (Robbins, Mitchells, Whites and Bubbs representin')

Robbins Family- Bryan and Jenny's front porch

Robbins Family cont'd - Joe is not too happy about photo taking at this point

Jack and Hogan watching Jack's favorite obsession, his Spectrum Connection videos

Super Auntie Samantha (aka Manta) whippin up some dinner for everyone at the Big House

Checking out the goats

Nate and his mommy Sarah

Batman (I mean Hogan) :)

Batman on the loose!

Huddy and Jack feeding the goats

Jack taking off on his own - his favorite thing to do

Daddy and Jack cuddling

Sunset at the Robbins' home

Jack chillin' with the gang watching the sunset

Happy Jack catching a ride from Daddy

The race is on!

Jack is loving the running and bouncing!

Joe with his new "girlfriend" Auntie Manta

Beginning of the firework show at the Robbins' home

Fireworks spectators

Joe LOVED the sparklers, even held one on his own!

Sunshine Joe in the morning

Joe at the Fair Grounds park

Jack swinging with Boppo

Joe loves to swing too (but not as much as Jack!)

Jack and Nate riding a dinosaur

The Fair Grounds park

Jack watching his beloved "amah" (animal) video

Brent, Boppo(Bill) and Greg going out to play golf for Boppo's Bday


Greg, Brent, Boppo and Auntie J.J.

Brent, Boppo and Greg

Boppo and Brent or Father and Son

Brent and Jack or Father and Son XOXO

Too sweet!

Sarah, Greg and Nate

Greg, Brent and the little guys on the deck at Cricket Ridge (Bday Dinner for Boppo)

Cricket Ridge

The Robbins Family - Cricket Ridge

Daddy and Jack shucking corn

Sarah, Nate, Daddy and Jack

The men and the boys playing with sidewalk chalk at Bryan and Jenny's new house

Joe and Nate

Jack's masterpiece

Outside Bryan and Jenny's house - getting ready to go for a walk to Dairy Point for dessert

The gang taking an evening stroll for icecream

Jack and Daddy

We passed by the Greensburg Fire Station and they let the kids climb in the trucks!

Honorary Fire Fighters Carla, Joe and Jack Robbins

Big Joe sitting in the driver's seat

Jack thinking about startin' her up!

Daddy and Jack in a cave at the Dinosaur exhibit in the Indianapolis Children's Museum

Nate and Joe checking out some dino eggs

A sweet little girl handed Joe a dino egg

Nate and Joe playing dinosaurs

Jack and Joe playing dinosaurs

Jack hauling some rocks

Jack and Joe earning their keep

Joe tumping the wheelbarrow over - TROUBLE!

Glass art in the Children's Museum

Museum employee cleaning the glass

There was a Comic Book Heroe exhibit that was SUPER cool!

Spidey (I mean Jack!)

Jack, Nick, Drew (or vice versa - they're twins), Joe and baby Ryan. We went to visit Brent's friend Mark from college, his wife Michelle and their awesome little boys in Cincinnati while on our trip. They were so great and made a huge spread for lunch including cupcakes for Brent's Bday! We wish we lived closer and got to spend more time with them. :( We almost got to when our car died while trying to leave their house. We finally got it started - WHEW- bet they were relieved!

Mark and Michelle's house

Greensburg Farmer's Market - Brent's brother Bryan organizes this event!

The Greensburg Courthouse (yes, that's a tree growing out the top)

Jenny, Bryan and baby Dot supervising the Farmer's Market

Building in downtown Greensburg

Uncle Bryan takes charge with the help of Old Abe

Uncle Greg lovingly sang to a captive Jack and Nate came along to join in with his pappa

Brent and Jenny Anne - Big Sis and Lil' Bro