Sorry we're so behind. Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Sadly, this is the only picture we have from Easter. Jack was sick the whole weekend - nothing in particular but pretty much slept 24/7 for an entire weekend. He did get wonderful packages from both of his loving grandparents but no egg hunt or candy or Easter Bunny. On Saturday we took him to a friend's house for an Easter Egg Hunt and festivities like bounce houses, wagon rides and a petting zoo. It was FREEZING!!!! Although under the weather, of course he loved the animals and went into the petting zoo twice. He kept pointing at all the animals and looking at us like "do you see that?" We had him grab a whole 4 eggs on our way out so he could at least look at them later. Then Brent and I ate the candy out of them on the way home while Jack slept. Horrible, I know! On Sunday we dragged him to our Sunday School class for a grand total of about 20 minutes for a breakfast. He was miserable so we left. He actually had a very
low temperature and was kind of lethargic. He also had no appetite which for Jack is absolutely unheard of. We later took him to the doctor and they couldn't find anything wrong with him. So, we just let him keep sleeping and then magically on Monday he was fine!
Monday was a crazy day! For those who haven't heard, someone tried to break into our home on Friday morning while I was home. I won't go into detail on this site but it was absloutely surreal and the most frightening thing that has ever happened to me. Thank goodness Jack was at school that day instead of still home sick.
I had an OB checkup yesterday (Thursday) and I am now dilated to 2cm's. Yippee! That's when I got my epidural with Jack. :) I feel fine and it doesn't feel like anything is going to happen but you never know. Our bags are packed, we have Jack babysitters lined up (i.e. my Mom, Vaughan and Omar), backup plans and we are ready as we'll ever be. Me especially. I actually did have some pretty regular contractions the other night and Brent got out his stopwatch, a pen and paper and his birthing book and kept track of it all. We really thought that was the moment and it was kind of fun and exciting but then they just stopped as abruptly as they started. Oh well. We are hoping for this weekend. If he hasn't come by Sunday, we are playing hookie from church and going for pancakes. If anyone from church is reading this, sorry. I've had a pancake craving the entire pregnancy but haven't given in until now. I hope I get them!
I'm still keeping all of Jack's therapy appointments and I'm still driving all over creation. There is a hospital right by his therapy place so I told his therapists to drive me over there if anything happens. It's almost harder at home because I am the only one to run around and entertain Jack and I just don't feel up to that right now. I'm HUGE! Driving to therapy and staying busy is much easier.
Jack is taking a nap so I'm signing off to try and catch some shuteye myself. We'll be back with more news hopefully very soon. Stay tuned.