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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sorry Folks, STILL No Joe!

Today I am officially 41 weeks pregnant and counting. We had a sonogram appt. yesterday and it showed that the amniotic fluid levels, cord flow, heartbeat and baby growth are all still really good. He gave me the go ahead to continue with the pregnancy a little longer. Afterwards, I had an appt. with the OB and that was less exciting. I am only 2.5 cm dilated from 1.5 last week and still 70% effaced. I have another sonogram scheduled for Thursday the 26th to be extra safe and make sure everything is still okay. If all is good at that point and I still have not had the baby, then my OB made me schedule an induction for Monday the 30th (which is my brother Brandon's Birthday) at which point I will be 42 weeks! Crazy! I NEVER expected to be pregnant this long but I also vowed this time I would do nothing to alter the length of my pregnancy. I was determined (and still am) to let this one come when he is ready. I just wish it would be soon. Can you tell patience is not one of my virtues? Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and we'll let you all know as soon as something happens. Thanks for all your friendhip, love and support. Carla

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