Joe had his 4 month Well Baby Checkup today and he proved to be a healthy boy (no surprise!). He is trucking right along developmentally so far and he's growing up way too fast. He weighed 16 lbs 12 ozs and was 26 inches long - 91st percentile in both height and weight! His head measurement was 17 inches and he was in the 75th percentile for that. For those of you who don't have kids, the percentile lingo means he weighs more and is longer than 91% of other babies his same age. He weighs 3 lbs more than Jack did at 4 months and is 1 1/2 inches longer than Jack at the same age. His head is 1 3/4 inches bigger than Jack's at 4 months. And to top all that, he just got his first tooth! Jack got his first tooth at 8 months. It's the bottom right central incisor. Jack's first tooth was the bottom left central incisor. He's been pretty miserable because of this tooth, especially at night. I am trying to wait until he is 6 months to feed him cereal but he is the most hungry baby I've ever seen and I can't ever feed him enough to satisfy him. I'm going to wait as long as I can but he might just beat me up if I don't feed him more as big as he is. :) He's rolling over, grabbing his feet, grabbing objects and bringing them to his mouth and laughing and squealing. He is a constant delight and we love him so much. We feel like the luckiest people on earth to have both Jack and Joe in our lives.
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