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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Joe Learning To Sign

We were feeding Joe his 3rd solid food today (sweet potatoes) and I decided to model the sign for "more" for Joe and put his hands together to show him how to do it while saying "more". After a few times I stopped because I didn't think he was really absorbing it and he was probably too young. I called Brent in to video us because we had not taken any photos or anything of Joe's first solids yet. You know how it is with the second child - poor kid. When Brent started video taping, our miraculously smart baby Joe signed for "more" over and over again all by himself to my utter amazement! It was no fluke. We were stunned and very excited to say the least. You all know how long we've waited to have a child communicate with us in any way, shape or form. He is not babbling consonants yet but this is a nice start at communicating and we will take it!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Baby Joe!! I love it, Carla!

Heather Sloan said...

Hi guys! Your boys are beautiful. My sister and I were just admiring your pictures. What an amazing place your parents have to take the boys to. We will have to catch up soon!