Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Potty Talk

Yay! We might finally be getting a break. Jack is still not potty trained and not really interested at all - he'd just prefer for us to keep changing him forever. However, tonight our little independant Joseph might have been trying to tell us he is interested in the potty. :) Brent and I were washing dishes and chatting, Jack was playing with refrigerator magnets and Joe just kept shouting something we thought was just "babble". He seemed to be trying to get our attention so I looked at him and he was patting his diaper very profoundly and saying "poo-poo, poo-poo". I said to Brent, "Look at him. Do you think he's trying to say he "poo-poo'd"? I looked to see if he had indeed "poo-poo'd" and sure enough he had. Whoo-hoo, Joe!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Joe 15 Months

Joe had his 15 month checkup yesterday (a month late). As expected, he is doing great. Here's the stats: Height: 34 inches (97th percentile) Weight: 27 lbs 12 ozs (80th percentile) Head: 19 1/2 inches (95th percentile) He is exactly 1 1/2 inches taller than Jack was as the same age and 5 lbs more! His head is also an inch bigger. He met and/or exceeded all milestones. The best part is he has about 30 or more words he says all the time and only 3-6 are expected for his age! If there has to be a downside, it's that he is also starting to tantrum as expected for his age.


Okay, little man Jack is starting to talk! However, all of a sudden at the tender age of 3 1/2 he does not like to be photographed. I guess he's practicing for when he's older and famous and hating the papparazzi. I did manage to get a smidgen of the progress he's made on film but it's even better when the camera isn't rolling. We're SOOOOOOOOO proud of how hard Jack works. He is so inspirational and cute too!

In this video you'll see a bit of the "bullying" Joe shows towards Jack. Jack is pretty patient most times but other times, he's had it up to his eyeballs and will bite Joe! Joe doesn't learn his lesson. :)

What's Momma Been Cookin' Up?

Just a sample of what the boys have been eating lately. I know NO ONE would believe it if they didn't see it with their own eyes. So, here is the proof! I've basically lived in the kitchen for the last 7 weeks but the result is, I've learned a lot and made some really delicious, wholesome meals for my family. The reward is, they LOVE everything I've made (and I mean EVERYTHING!) and Jack is doing so amazingly well. Hmmmmm........Maybe it's a coincidence. :) A Typical Snack Organic Beet Brownies These consist of pureed beets, pureed carrots, pastured eggs (or mashed banana), raw honey, nut butter (almond, cashew, pecan, walnut or whatever you prefer), and aluminum free baking soda Everyday Breakfast Smoothie Organic "Green Thing" Smoothie This consists of raw spinach, raw baby romaine, 3-4 celery stalks, 1/2 cucumber (with skin on), whole advocado, 1/2 green apple (skin on), raw honey, coconut oil, and a smidge white grape juice and filtered water The "green thing" all blended up
Joe, Jack and Mommy's cupfuls of our yummy "green thing" smoothies (Seriously, the boys can't get enough of this drink and they literally cry and fuss for more when it's gone!)
A Typical Dinner
Organic Spaghetti Squash
This consists of 1 whole large spaghetti squash cooked and shredded with a fork, grass-fed ground beef, and a sauce made from an organic veggie juice (tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, parsely, oregano, jalepeno. The boys both enhale this. I know it looks like "you know what" but it really is super delicious! Brent and I are eating whatever I make for the boys b/c I don't have time to make seperate meals and we are pleasantly surprised at how yummy everything is. This "spaghetti" and an eggless veggie meatloaf are so far beloved by both boys.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Joe Has Found His Calling :)

The wonderful woman that ususally helps me keep the house clean has been on vacation for over two months and my house has been SO dirty! Joe kind of forgot about Maria and didn't warm up to her immediately. However, once she pulled out the vaccuum, he was her new best friend! He went and got his broom and his vaccuum and proceeded to follow her all around the house "helping". He would hand her his broom and a sponge from time to time.

Jack and Jill

Jack's very good friend Jill is leaving next Monday for Graduate School in London and we will miss her dearly. Good luck Jill! We love you! XOXO

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fork Head

Joe revealed a new trick at the dinner table tonight...........balancing a fork on his head. He came up with this all on his own. Sheer talent I tell ya.

Jack found Joe's fork antics quite comical.