This is from today (Sunday) - it's Jack "playing"/working with his friend Naureen. He likes her very much as you will see. This first one is him reciting the ABC's while Naureen signs each letter. He gets distracted by me taping him so he doesn't do them perfectly like he normally does. Still good nonetheless!
This short one is the "f" we have worked SO hard for. We've been putting our finger on Jack's bottom lip, pushing on it and trying to get him to bite his lower lip while blowing air out against his teeth to produce the "f" sound. This is so difficult to do for someone who cannot put their mouth in the right position or who lacks the motor planning to do all of the things required to produce one single sound. All of us that talk take for granted how extremely hard it really is to talk. Not everyone learns to talk by listening and by repeating the sounds heard. The other hard part is getting the sound to be consistent and not forgetting or not being able to "motor plan" that same sound again. Jack can only learn by constantly practicing - repetition, repetition, repetition. He's got the "f" down now but he didn't do it in the previous video. I had to get it on tape b/c we are so proud of him!
This one is quite long but I couldn't bring myself to stop taping. This is mostly Jack interacting and "playing" with Naureen. He loves the stuffed dog puppet we got as a souvenir this summer at the Indianapolis Children's Museum. You will see him sign dog (by patting his leg) and saying "daw" which is his pronunciation of "dog". He finally becomes way too distracted by my taping him and has had enough of "performing" so, he goofs off during the ABC's puzzle game. He does know his ABC's very well! You'll see some his stalling tactics - pretty smart boy!
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